Throwback: The First Stop.

Using the time that will inevitably show itself in generous amounts when a pile of textbooks is no longer throwing dirty looks at you, I have joined this four-week WordPress course. Blogging 101, for the next month, is to be my teacher in a classroom full of aspiring bloggers, inclusive of yours truly. The Capsule has made a stop here to undergo some servicing, work out some kinks, and hopefully to learn how to man itself better in the future. Blogging 101 is all set out to teach me how to reach out, connect and tell the world who Divya Murthy is and why she likes to throw words that aim to wake up a sleeping eye here and a lazy ear there.

So my first task today is To Make My First Post – Say Who I Am, and Why I’m Here. Now since I’ve already made a stop at that particular station, I’m encouraged to revisit, review, revive and possibly reset my destinations from there on. Let’s call this a Throwback Travelogue, shall we?

I am Divya Murthy, an 18-year old from Chennai, India. I constructed Another Teenager’s Time Capsule in May 2014 hoping to uncover some inner productivity hitherto unseen in this vertically challenged one – my height resembles most complaints about the economy today : it is stagnant, and seems reluctant to cross that 5 foot mark. Although, to be fair, my attitude about my height resembles a certain tuberous member of the vegetable family. Stepping over this mess of developmental issues, I’d like to direct attention to hopefully more deserving aspects of well, me.

Am I special or unique in some way? Squeezing my eyes and wrinkling my brow for the last decade or so to come up with an answer to that one hasn’t produced any startling results so far. That’s not to say I have a murky perception of myself; I am another one of the bobbing intellectual heads in a blissfully ignorant crowd, the last spark in the city lights, and the next spark causing a power outage. Behind these lights, I like to read (and re-read) lifesavers; Blyton, Rowling, Wodehouse would be the names of a few. Music in my room is almost always above 120 BPM, and fat-filled snacks almost never out of my reach. From being a full-time Facebook-er and a part-time sitcom professional, I, along with many of my peers, have been formally employed in the 9-5 Human Study Manual sector for the last few months. (Also available as pocket-size editions for cases like me) However, sidestepping the exaggerations above, it would be outright lying to say that I haven’t made use of evening lights and night bulbs. After all, they led me here. And “here” is an area I want to expand. It started off as a tester, a summertime hobby, and over the months has branched out to welcome several things that make me happy and proud, which I’ve been told, is pretty good for health. I’d like to keep my brain and emotions fit, even if the same can’t be said for the rest of me. (I can almost hear the butt-print on the couch woefully agreeing)

In a way, this Time Capsule is a capsule I take to give my imagination a balanced-diet. So here I am, eight months after its conception, charting out more of the course it’s going to take: Getting stuck in the timeless traffic of ideas, exploring all the city lights and setting off all the sparks I can find.

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